Atlskillz checking in and i wanted to write this in response to a comment. I hope that this information gets you to where you need to go with your paper.
To understand marketing and its role in our economy, we must first understand the term business. Business is all the activities involverd in produciong and distributing goods of individuals involved in producing and distributing goods and/or services to customers. The intent of business is to create satisfying exchanges Business plays a major role in the economy involving the production process and marketing. Productions is the process of creating or improving goods and services. For example manufacturing, mining, and agricultre are parts of the production process. Production requires four ingredients: natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurs.
Natural resources such as fertile soil, water, minerals, and favorable climate are vital to a country´s well being and productivity. Soil is needed for raising grain, fruits, and vegetables. Water must be available for power, drinking, and transportation. Oil is needed for operating and lubricating machinery. The U.S. is fortunate to have abundant natural resources. the temperate weather favors agriculture. the lakes and river system provide a supply of fresh water. Without adequate natural resources, it would be difficult to produce goods in quantity. But even our country´s vast resources must be conserved. Through ecology--the study of our relationship to the physical environment-- we are learning how to preserve our natural resources.

Labor is all the human effort and activity that goes into producing goods and services. It refers to both part-time and full-time employees and to managers. There are some 140 million people employed in the United States. Many different demographics of people with wide ranges of talents and interests contribute to production through their work efforts.
Capital is all the tools (such as factories and machinery) and the money that are used in an organization´s operation. Natural resources and labor alone cannot meet the needs of production. Capital is necessary. When people own there own business, they put their own capital and labor into the business. Henry Ford, for example, invested his own capital along with funds from others investors to eventually become the Ford Motor Company. Sometimes people and organizations put capital into business without becoming involved in the daily operations. For example, investors buying stocks in a business. They become part owners of that company as a result of their investment, but do not go to work for that business. This capital that is generated helps a business operate and facilitates expansion.
Entrepreneurs are people that take that risk and provide the capital to start their own business. Some famous American entrepreneurs include Richard Sears (Sears), Liz Claiborne, Bill Gates, Sean P. Diddy Combs, John D. Rockefeller. these people´s creative business ideas and efforts created some of the worlds best known organizations. This entrepreneurial spirit is not designated to large companies. About ninety-five percent of all U.S. business are small businesses. In an effort to capitalize on the entrepreneurial spirit, many large and forward thinking companies promote creative approaches internally. This is known as intrepreneurship, the process involves the development of new methods and ideas within larger company in a free wheeling manner similar to that of an entrepreneurship. Companies encourage their employees to put their creativity to work by helping the company to develop such things as new and improved products, better marketing strategies, and improved management practices.
Production is so important that we measure the health of our entire economy by the amount of goods and services produced each year. The total value of the final goods and services produced in the nation over a specified period is whats known as the Gross National Product (GNP). Closely tied to the GNP is the standard of living, or how well the people is a given nation live. the standard of living can be determined by dividing the GNP by the nation´s population. This is Called per capita GNP. The more goods and services a nation produces in proportion to its population, the higher its standard of living (unless it exports most of those goods and services).
To understand marketing and its role in our economy, we must first understand the term business. Business is all the activities involverd in produciong and distributing goods of individuals involved in producing and distributing goods and/or services to customers. The intent of business is to create satisfying exchanges Business plays a major role in the economy involving the production process and marketing. Productions is the process of creating or improving goods and services. For example manufacturing, mining, and agricultre are parts of the production process. Production requires four ingredients: natural resources, labor, capital, and entrepreneurs.
Natural resources such as fertile soil, water, minerals, and favorable climate are vital to a country´s well being and productivity. Soil is needed for raising grain, fruits, and vegetables. Water must be available for power, drinking, and transportation. Oil is needed for operating and lubricating machinery. The U.S. is fortunate to have abundant natural resources. the temperate weather favors agriculture. the lakes and river system provide a supply of fresh water. Without adequate natural resources, it would be difficult to produce goods in quantity. But even our country´s vast resources must be conserved. Through ecology--the study of our relationship to the physical environment-- we are learning how to preserve our natural resources.

Labor is all the human effort and activity that goes into producing goods and services. It refers to both part-time and full-time employees and to managers. There are some 140 million people employed in the United States. Many different demographics of people with wide ranges of talents and interests contribute to production through their work efforts.
Capital is all the tools (such as factories and machinery) and the money that are used in an organization´s operation. Natural resources and labor alone cannot meet the needs of production. Capital is necessary. When people own there own business, they put their own capital and labor into the business. Henry Ford, for example, invested his own capital along with funds from others investors to eventually become the Ford Motor Company. Sometimes people and organizations put capital into business without becoming involved in the daily operations. For example, investors buying stocks in a business. They become part owners of that company as a result of their investment, but do not go to work for that business. This capital that is generated helps a business operate and facilitates expansion.
Entrepreneurs are people that take that risk and provide the capital to start their own business. Some famous American entrepreneurs include Richard Sears (Sears), Liz Claiborne, Bill Gates, Sean P. Diddy Combs, John D. Rockefeller. these people´s creative business ideas and efforts created some of the worlds best known organizations. This entrepreneurial spirit is not designated to large companies. About ninety-five percent of all U.S. business are small businesses. In an effort to capitalize on the entrepreneurial spirit, many large and forward thinking companies promote creative approaches internally. This is known as intrepreneurship, the process involves the development of new methods and ideas within larger company in a free wheeling manner similar to that of an entrepreneurship. Companies encourage their employees to put their creativity to work by helping the company to develop such things as new and improved products, better marketing strategies, and improved management practices.
Production is so important that we measure the health of our entire economy by the amount of goods and services produced each year. The total value of the final goods and services produced in the nation over a specified period is whats known as the Gross National Product (GNP). Closely tied to the GNP is the standard of living, or how well the people is a given nation live. the standard of living can be determined by dividing the GNP by the nation´s population. This is Called per capita GNP. The more goods and services a nation produces in proportion to its population, the higher its standard of living (unless it exports most of those goods and services).
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